Originally posted 16 May 13:58:01 2022
I've made a few blog posts comparing Emacs and Vim and discussing some of my earliest experiences with Emacs. It has now been over a year since I first tried Emacs, and it has been nearly a year since I started using it regularly.
There are a million different memes about how one defines Emacs. My personal favourite is that it is a framework to build your own text editor.
Over time, however, I’ve come to realise that the most significant quality of Emacs that appeals to me is its 40 years-worth of code accretion. The system has existed for so much time that there are myriad obscure and oddly specific functions and packages to do all manner of things.
The following are a few of highly questionable usefulness that I was nonetheless pleased to stumble across:
The major drawback of having all this code haphazardly built up is that there are often multiple incompatible ways to do the same thing.
‘Vanilla’ Emacs
When there are multiple competing Emacs packages or scripts that could all meet a certain need of mine to an acceptable degree, I use a subjective judgement of how much they feel like a natural extension of ‘vanilla’ Emacs. I have carried this sentiment over from Vim, which doesn't have good, standardised plugin distribution or management systems; in that case, every additional plugin was a potential source of pain, so using vanilla features had an obvious, concrete advantage.
In an EmacsConf talk, Stallman describes having packages in the GNU ELPA as primarily a convenience, and that packages in ELPA are fundamentally ‘part of Emacs’. The primary significance of all this is that packages in ELPA (and henceforth NonGNU ELPA) are audited to ensure they will integrate well with the vanilla Emacs experience. As a result, packages from ELPA have some guarantee of behaving more in the way I would like (as opposed to ones from independent archives such as the popular MELPA).
The specific case of eglot
and lsp-mode
comes to mind. Both provide
LSP support for Emacs. The
package is the larger and more ‘user-friendly’ of
the two, but in my experience does poor job of integrating with existing
Emacs features, notably xref
. By contrast, eglot
a lot more minimal and ‘Emacsy’.
Many similar sets of packages exist. Each list is in ascending order of ‘Emacsiness’.
The case of evil
and viper
is slightly more
nuanced, since viper
is a ‘finished’ implementation of Vi,
whereas evil
aims specifically to reproduce the behaviour
of Vim, as I discussed in my Levels
of Vim Emulation blog post.
In general, I'm not saying that one should always avoid the less ‘Emacsy’ packages. Indeed, I could most objectively describe Emacsiness as the quality of having fewer features and being more jank. The concrete advantages of the more ‘Emacsy’ packages will generally be similar to those of vanilla Vim packages: being lighter weight and either built-in or easy to add.
The notable example for weight is vc
. Although magit
is far more
feature-complete and easier to learn, it is quite heavy, and can take a
substantial number of seconds to open on my (admittedly ancient) laptop.
It also seems to be designed for all use of it to be done via the
interface. By contrast, vc
small, and built-in, and is reasonably quick for basic operations. The
ability to access many of the operations you would want to perform on a
given file or the whole repository via the vc-prefix-map
bound by default to C-x v, is sufficiently
distinct from the behaviour of magit
that there is value in
using both.
The power of choice is what Emacs is all about.
Praise Saint IGNUcius!